General information and overview

The grant-writing and review process is one of many challenges for early-career researchers (ECRs). Though it is one of the most critical responsibilities for launching, maintaining, and advancing a career involving academic research, it can seem an unfamiliar and daunting task for ECRs in an increasingly competitive funding environment.

This three-day workshop aims to introduce ECRs in the paleosciences to the funding-agency landscape, provide strategies and advice on grant writing and submission processes, and encourage networking among ECRs interested in initiating or developing research grant proposals.

The workshop will feature talks from invited keynote speakers and interactive sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to develop grant writing skills through dedicated work sessions using either their own research ideas or provided examples for honing their writing style, structure, and review strategies. Feedback will be provided at the end of each work session where appropriate, and an overall summary and a feedback round will be held at the end of the workshop. For a tentative schedule, see workshop program